Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Well... I thought I was going to be more excited to write this blog, but tonight on our way home from J1Ten we were rear-ended. Two cars in front of us ran over an orange cone and with one rear-ending the other, we slowed down to avoid hitting them, and ran over the orange cone ourselves, and then someone rear-ended us :/ We sat on the side of I95 till 11:30ish and we are finally getting back home. Feel kind of sorry for the boy that hit us, but still we want are car fixed.

So... on to some brighter news. I got an interview for one of the sea turtle research jobs I applied for. It will either be tomorrow or Thursday. She will be confirming tomorrow morning!!! So I was pretty excited about that!

This week has been a pretty good week. Saturday I help with "yard sale for freedom". People in our church across palm beach and martin counties had a yard sale to raise awareness of Human Trafficking. All the profits made in all the yard sales are going toward organizations that help in this area. I saw on one post that $37,000 was raised so far from the yard sales!! Praise God! I enjoyed helping the youth at our campus! For those of you that may not know, our church is made up of 5 different campuses, the main campus meeting in palm beach gardens. We attend their newest campus, Stuart! We are loving it! I've never been apart of a church like this. God has truly blessed us with this church!

Sunday was our first beach day in a looooonnnnngggg time!!! It was amazing!!! Beautiful weather! And you could definitely tell it was the first beach day in a while. We are about 5 miles from the beach and it took us about 30 minutes to get to the beach!! Everyone was going to take in such a beautiful day! So for those that live north of Florida, I don't want to brag about the weather, but I did hear ya'll had pretty good weather as well! So I don't feel too bad!

Monday we also got to spend time in the great weather. We hiked in a near by park and looked around at potential neighborhoods that we might start looking in for renting in May. Altogether a great weekend!


  1. Are you both okay from the accident? No back pain or anything like that?

    Good luck with your interview!! :-)

  2. Laura,
    Praying for your job interview. I know God has something great for you.

  3. Jenn- We are both ok. We woke up sore this morning. We didn't feel anything last night, but just sore this morning. I'm still feeling sore, and have talked with James and he seems to be tired and sore as well still. He did go into work today. I'll let you know when for sure the interview is and how it goes (I have you as a reference!)

    Judith- Thank you for the prayers!! I think it will be on Friday, I'm still waiting for the conformation call! I'll let you guys know how it goes!
