Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wow, this has been a long week! It seems like forever since I have blogged! This week has been good, just long. It felt like we had no true weekend this week, well at least it did for me! I was able to work Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday this weekend. Although I was off Tuesday and Wednesday before, James was off Sunday and Monday so we didn't get to spend as much time together this weekend :( But we are very thankful that I got so many hours this week!
We did get to go out on Friday night. I was able meet one of the guys that James works with. It was a great night. We just sat around talking about everything biology related! Such bio nerds I know!! You got to love us!!!

Our car is now in the shop. We don't have a clue why they are taking so long to just replace our bumper. We did get a rental car, but it is pretty ugly!! But at least it is getting one of us to work I guess. Hopefully they will call about the car tomorrow. We want our element back!!!!

We are helping start a fellowship life group for our church campus. Our first meeting is on Sunday! And tonight we found out that a couple people are planning on coming so that was good. We were afraid no one would show!! lol!

I have not heard back from the sea turtle research job yet. I'm feeling a lot of mixed emotions: nervous, worry, discouraged. I'm just tired of the whole finding a job process. I just want something soon. I was able to find a few jobs that I can apply for this afternoon. Hoping to get everything sent in tomorrow morning. I also had a weird job offer at Bank of America this past Friday. I just happened to be talking to the VP of that branch while doing my banking, and he told me he had a position open and I should apply. So I did. I talked with him today and he said someone should be calling me soon. I hope I hear from the other position first, but I'm not against taking this job for a period of time while still pursuing a job in my field. My family and I have invested so much money and time into my education I hope to find a job using my degree soon!! One that is paying!!!!

James was excited today. They placed their first tank for shrimp at a local marina today! This is big news to those of you that don't know about what he does. He is a biologist for Scientific Associates doing shrimp farming that is green in its production. They are developing was to raise shrimp in a green way in tanks so that we can preserve our natural populations in the wild! Hopefully all goes well with the new tank at the marina! Congrats babe!! Ya'll have worked so hard!!!

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